Prime number functions
Prime factorization
— Functioneachfactor(n::Integer)->FactorIterator
Returns a lazy iterator of factors of n
in (factor, multiplicity)
pairs. This can be very useful for computing multiplicative functions since for small numbers (e.g. numbers with no factor >2^16
), allocating the storage required for factor(n)
can introduce significant overhead.
— Functionfactor(n::Integer) -> Primes.Factorization
Compute the prime factorization of an integer n
. The returned object, of type Factorization
, is an associative container whose keys correspond to the factors, in sorted order. The value associated with each key indicates the multiplicity (i.e. the number of times the factor appears in the factorization).
julia> factor(100)
2^2 ⋅ 5^2
For convenience, a negative number n
is factored as -1*(-n)
(i.e. -1
is considered to be a factor), and 0
is factored as 0^1
julia> factor(-9)
-1 ⋅ 3^2
julia> factor(0)
julia> collect(factor(0))
1-element Array{Pair{Int64,Int64},1}:
factor(ContainerType, n::Integer) -> ContainerType
Return the factorization of n
stored in a ContainerType
, which must be a subtype of AbstractDict
or AbstractArray
, a Set
, or an BitSet
julia> factor(DataStructures.SortedDict, 100)
DataStructures.SortedDict{Int64,Int64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering} with 2 entries:
2 => 2
5 => 2
When ContainerType <: AbstractArray
, this returns the list of all prime factors of n
with multiplicities, in sorted order.
julia> factor(Vector, 100)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> prod(factor(Vector, 100)) == 100
When ContainerType == Set
, this returns the distinct prime factors as a set.
julia> factor(Set, 100)
— Functionprodfactors(factors)
Compute n
(or the radical of n
when factors
is of type Set
or BitSet
) where factors
is interpreted as the result of factor(typeof(factors), n)
. Note that if factors
is of type AbstractArray
or Primes.Factorization
, then prodfactors
is equivalent to
julia> prodfactors(factor(100))
Generating prime numbers
— Functionprimes([lo,] hi)
Returns a collection of the prime numbers (from lo
, if specified) up to hi
— Functionnextprime(n::Integer, i::Integer=1; interval::Integer=1)
The i
-th smallest prime not less than n
(in particular, nextprime(p) == p
if p
is prime). If i < 0
, this is equivalent to prevprime(n, -i). Note that for n::BigInt
, the returned number is only a pseudo-prime (the function isprime
is used internally). See also prevprime
If interval
is provided, primes are sought in increments of interval
. This can be useful to ensure the presence of certain divisors in p-1
. The range of possible values for interval
is currently 1:typemax(Int)
julia> nextprime(4)
julia> nextprime(5)
julia> nextprime(4, 2)
julia> nextprime(5, 2)
julia> nextprime(2^10+1; interval=1024)
julia> gcd(12289 - 1, 1024) # 1024 | p - 1
— Functionprevprime(n::Integer, i::Integer=1; interval::Integer=1)
The i
-th largest prime not greater than n
(in particular prevprime(p) == p
if p
is prime). If i < 0
, this is equivalent to nextprime(n, -i)
. Note that for n::BigInt
, the returned number is only a pseudo-prime (the function isprime
is used internally). See also nextprime
If interval
is provided, primes are sought in increments of interval
. This can be useful to ensure the presence of certain divisors in p-1
. The range of possible values for interval
is currently 1:typemax(Int)
julia> prevprime(4)
julia> prevprime(5)
julia> prevprime(5, 2)
— Functionprime(::Type{<:Integer}=Int, i::Integer)
The i
-th prime number.
julia> prime(1)
julia> prime(3)
Identifying prime numbers
— Functionisprime(n::Integer) -> Bool
Returns for values in the range of an INT64 variable: true
if n
is prime, and false
otherwise for bigger values: true
if n
is probably prime, and false
otherwise (false-positive rate = 0.25^reps with reps=25 –> considered safe)
More detailed:
for even numbers: returns deterministic and correct results
for values in the range of an INT64 variable: returns deterministic and correct results (by Lookup-tables, trial-division, Miller-Rabin, Lucas-Test)
for bigger values: returns probabilistic resultsfrom GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
julia> isprime(3)
isprime(x::BigInt, [reps = 25]) -> Bool
Probabilistic primality test. Returns true
if x
is prime with high probability (pseudoprime); and false
if x
is composite (not prime). The false positive rate is about 0.25^reps
. reps = 25
is considered safe for cryptographic applications (Knuth, Seminumerical Algorithms).
isprobablyprime is inherited from the module IntegerMathUtils that provides a wrapper to access functionality from the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) library
julia> isprime(big(3))
— Functionismersenneprime(M::Integer; [check::Bool = true]) -> Bool
Lucas-Lehmer deterministic test for Mersenne primes. M
must be a Mersenne number, i.e. of the form M = 2^p - 1
, where p
is a prime number. Use the keyword argument check
to enable/disable checking whether M
is a valid Mersenne number; to be used with caution. Return true
if the given Mersenne number is prime, and false
julia> ismersenneprime(2^11 - 1)
julia> ismersenneprime(2^13 - 1)
— Functionprimesmask([lo,] hi)
Returns a prime sieve, as a BitArray
, of the positive integers (from lo
, if specified) up to hi
. Useful when working with either primes or composite numbers.
Number-theoretic functions
— Functionradical(n::Integer)
Compute the radical of n
, i.e. the largest square-free divisor of n
. This is equal to the product of the distinct prime numbers dividing n
julia> radical(2*2*3)
— Functiontotient(f::Factorization{T}) -> T
Compute the Euler totient function of the number whose prime factorization is given by f
. This method may be preferable to totient(::Integer)
when the factorization can be reused for other purposes.
totient(n::Integer) -> Integer
Compute the Euler totient function $ϕ(n)$, which counts the number of positive integers less than or equal to $n$ that are relatively prime to $n$ (that is, the number of positive integers m ≤ n
with gcd(m, n) == 1
). The totient function of n
when n
is negative is defined to be totient(abs(n))
— Functiondivisors(n::Integer) -> Vector
Return a vector with the positive divisors of n
For a nonzero integer n
with prime factorization n = p₁^k₁ ⋯ pₘ^kₘ
, divisors(n)
returns a vector of length (k₁ + 1)⋯(kₘ + 1) containing the divisors of n
in lexicographic (rather than numerical) order.
is equivalent to divisors(n)
For convenience, divisors(0)
returns []
julia> divisors(60)
12-element Vector{Int64}:
1 # 1
2 # 2
4 # 2 * 2
3 # 3
6 # 3 * 2
12 # 3 * 2 * 2
5 # 5
10 # 5 * 2
20 # 5 * 2 * 2
15 # 5 * 3
30 # 5 * 3 * 2
60 # 5 * 3 * 2 * 2
julia> divisors(-10)
4-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> divisors(0)
divisors(f::Factorization) -> Vector
Return a vector with the positive divisors of the number whose factorization is f
. Divisors are sorted lexicographically, rather than numerically.