
Documentation for MeasureBase.

struct Density{M,B}

For measures μ and ν with μ≪ν, the density of μ with respect to ν (also called the Radon-Nikodym derivative dμ/dν) is a function f defined on the support of ν with the property that for any measurable a ⊂ supp(ν), μ(a) = ∫ₐ f dν.

Because this function is often difficult to express in closed form, there are many different ways of computing it. We therefore provide a formal representation to allow comptuational flexibilty.

struct DensityMeasure{F,B} <: AbstractMeasure
    density :: F
    base    :: B

A DensityMeasure is a measure defined by a density with respect to some other "base" measure

Likelihood(M<:ParameterizedMeasure, x)

"Observe" a value x, yielding a function from the parameters to ℝ.

Likelihoods are most commonly used in conjunction with an existing prior measure to yield a new measure, the posterior. In Bayes's Law, we have

$P(θ|x) ∝ P(θ) P(x|θ)$

Here $P(θ)$ is the prior. If we consider $P(x|θ)$ as a function on $θ$, then it is called a likelihood.

Since measures are most commonly manipulated using density and logdensity, it's awkward to commit a (log-)likelihood to using one or the other. To evaluate a Likelihood, we therefore use density or logdensity, depending on the circumstances. In the latter case, it is of course acting as a log-density.

For example,

julia> ℓ = Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,)}, 2.0)
Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,), T} where T, 2.0)

julia> density(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))

julia> logdensity(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))

If, as above, the measure includes the parameter information, we can optionally leave it out of the second argument in the call to density or logdensity.

julia> density(ℓ, 2.0)

julia> logdensity(ℓ, 2.0)

With several parameters, things work as expected:

julia> ℓ = Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,:σ)}, 2.0)
Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ), T} where T, 2.0)

julia> logdensity(ℓ, (μ=2, σ=3))

julia> logdensity(ℓ, (2,3))

julia> logdensity(ℓ, [2, 3])

Likelihood(M<:ParameterizedMeasure, constraint::NamedTuple, x)

In some cases the measure might have several parameters, and we may want the (log-)likelihood with respect to some subset of them. In this case, we can use the three-argument form, where the second argument is a constraint. For example,

julia> ℓ = Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,:σ)}, (σ=3.0,), 2.0)
Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ), T} where T, (σ = 3.0,), 2.0)

Similarly to the above, we have

julia> density(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))

julia> logdensity(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))

julia> density(ℓ, 2.0)

julia> logdensity(ℓ, 2.0)

Finally, let's return to the expression for Bayes's Law,

$P(θ|x) ∝ P(θ) P(x|θ)$

The product on the right side is computed pointwise. To work with this in MeasureBase, we have a "pointwise product" , which takes a measure and a likelihood, and returns a new measure, that is, the unnormalized posterior that has density $P(θ) P(x|θ)$ with respect to the base measure of the prior.

For example, say we have

μ ~ Normal()
x ~ Normal(μ,σ)
σ = 1

and we observe x=3. We can compute the posterior measure on μ as

julia> post = Normal() ⊙ Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ)}, (σ=1,), 3)
Normal() ⊙ Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ), T} where T, (σ = 1,), 3)

julia> logdensity(post, 2)
struct SuperpositionMeasure{X,NT} <: AbstractMeasure
    components :: NT

Superposition of measures is analogous to mixture distributions, but (because measures need not be normalized) requires no scaling. The superposition of two measures μ and ν can be more concisely written as μ + ν. Superposition measures satisfy

basemeasure(μ + ν) == basemeasure(μ) + basemeasure(ν)

\[ \begin{aligned}\frac{\mathrm{d}(\mu+\nu)}{\mathrm{d}(\alpha+\beta)} & =\frac{f\,\mathrm{d}\alpha+g\,\mathrm{d}\beta}{\mathrm{d}\alpha+\mathrm{d}\beta}\\ & =\frac{f\,\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\alpha+\mathrm{d}\beta}+\frac{g\,\mathrm{d}\beta}{\mathrm{d}\alpha+\mathrm{d}\beta}\\ & =\frac{f}{1+\frac{\mathrm{d}\beta}{\mathrm{d}\alpha}}+\frac{g}{\frac{\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\beta}+1}\\ & =\frac{f}{1+\left(\frac{\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\beta}\right)^{-1}}+\frac{g}{\frac{\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\beta}+1}\ . \end{aligned}\]

For(f, base...)

For provides a convenient way to construct a ProductMeasure. There are several options for the base. With Julia's do notation, this can look very similar to a standard for loop, while maintaining semantics structure that's easier to work with.

For(f, base::Int...)

When one or several Int values are passed for base, the result is treated as depending on CartesianIndices(base).

julia> For(3) do λ Exponential(λ) end |> marginals
3-element mappedarray(MeasureBase.var"#17#18"{var"#15#16"}(var"#15#16"()), ::CartesianIndices{1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}) with eltype Exponential{(:λ,), Tuple{Int64}}:
 Exponential(λ = 1,)
 Exponential(λ = 2,)
 Exponential(λ = 3,)
julia> For(4,3) do μ,σ Normal(μ,σ) end |> marginals
4×3 mappedarray(MeasureBase.var"#17#18"{var"#11#12"}(var"#11#12"()), ::CartesianIndices{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}) with eltype Normal{(:μ, :σ), Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 Normal(μ = 1, σ = 1)  Normal(μ = 1, σ = 2)  Normal(μ = 1, σ = 3)
 Normal(μ = 2, σ = 1)  Normal(μ = 2, σ = 2)  Normal(μ = 2, σ = 3)
 Normal(μ = 3, σ = 1)  Normal(μ = 3, σ = 2)  Normal(μ = 3, σ = 3)
 Normal(μ = 4, σ = 1)  Normal(μ = 4, σ = 2)  Normal(μ = 4, σ = 3)

For(f, base::AbstractArray...)`

In this case, base behaves as if the arrays are zipped together before applying the map.

julia> For(randn(3)) do x Exponential(x) end |> marginals
3-element mappedarray(x->Main.Exponential(x), ::Vector{Float64}) with eltype Exponential{(:λ,), Tuple{Float64}}:
 Exponential(λ = -0.268256,)
 Exponential(λ = 1.53044,)
 Exponential(λ = -1.08839,)
julia> For(1:3, 1:3) do μ,σ Normal(μ,σ) end |> marginals
3-element mappedarray((:μ, :σ)->Main.Normal(μ, σ), ::UnitRange{Int64}, ::UnitRange{Int64}) with eltype Normal{(:μ, :σ), Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 Normal(μ = 1, σ = 1)
 Normal(μ = 2, σ = 2)
 Normal(μ = 3, σ = 3)

For(f, base::Base.Generator)

For Generators, the function maps over the values of the generator:

julia> For(eachrow(rand(4,2))) do x Normal(x[1], x[2]) end |> marginals |> collect
4-element Vector{Normal{(:μ, :σ), Tuple{Float64, Float64}}}:
 Normal(μ = 0.255024, σ = 0.570142)
 Normal(μ = 0.970706, σ = 0.0776745)
 Normal(μ = 0.731491, σ = 0.505837)
 Normal(μ = 0.563112, σ = 0.98307)

For any k::Kernel, basekernel is expected to satisfy

basemeasure(k(p)) == basekernel(k)(p)

The main purpose of basekernel is to make it efficient to compute

basemeasure(d::ProductMeasure) = productmeasure(basekernel(d.f),
kernel(f, M)
kernel((f1, f2, ...), M)

A kernel κ = kernel(f, m) returns a wrapper around a function f giving the parameters for a measure of type M, such that κ(x) = M(f(x)...) respective κ(x) = M(f1(x), f2(x), ...)

If the argument is a named tuple (;a=f1, b=f1), κ(x) is defined as M(;a=f(x),b=g(x)).


logdensity(μ::AbstractMeasure{X}, x::X)

Compute the logdensity of the measure μ at the point x. This is the standard way to define logdensity for a new measure. the base measure is implicit here, and is understood to be basemeasure(μ).

Methods for computing density relative to other measures will be


It's sometimes important to be able to find the fix point of a measure under basemeasure. That is, to start with some measure and apply basemeasure repeatedly until there's no change. That's what this does.

∫(f, base::AbstractMeasure)

Define a new measure in terms of a density f over some measure base.

∫exp(f, base::AbstractMeasure; log=false)

Define a new measure in terms of a density f over some measure base.

𝒹(μ::AbstractMeasure, base::AbstractMeasure; log=false)

Compute the Radom-Nikodym derivative (or its log, if log=false) of μ with respect to base.

@domain(name, T)

Defines a new singleton struct T, and a value name for building values of that type.

For example, @domain ℝ RealNumbers is equivalent to

struct RealNumbers <: AbstractDomain end

export ℝ

ℝ = RealNumbers(), ::RealNumbers) = print(io, "ℝ")
@half dist([paramnames])

Starting from a symmetric univariate measure dist ≪ Lebesgue(ℝ), create a new measure Halfdist ≪ Lebesgue(ℝ₊). For example,

@half Normal()

creates HalfNormal(), and

@half StudentT(ν)

creates HalfStudentT(ν).

@parameterized <declaration>

The <declaration> gives a measure and its default parameters, and specifies its relation to its base measure. For example,

@parameterized Normal(μ,σ)

declares the Normal is a measure with default parameters μ and σ. The result is equivalent to

struct Normal{N,T} <: ParameterizedMeasure{N}
    par :: NamedTuple{N,T}

KeywordCalls.@kwstruct Normal(μ,σ)

Normal(μ,σ) = Normal((μ=μ, σ=σ))

See KeywordCalls.jl for details on @kwstruct.
