Documentation for MeasureBase.
— Typestruct Density{M,B}
For measures μ and ν with μ≪ν, the density of μ with respect to ν (also called the Radon-Nikodym derivative dμ/dν) is a function f defined on the support of ν with the property that for any measurable a ⊂ supp(ν), μ(a) = ∫ₐ f dν.
Because this function is often difficult to express in closed form, there are many different ways of computing it. We therefore provide a formal representation to allow comptuational flexibilty.
— Typestruct DensityMeasure{F,B} <: AbstractMeasure
density :: F
base :: B
A DensityMeasure
is a measure defined by a density with respect to some other "base" measure
— TypeLikelihood(M<:ParameterizedMeasure, x)
"Observe" a value x
, yielding a function from the parameters to ℝ.
Likelihoods are most commonly used in conjunction with an existing prior measure to yield a new measure, the posterior. In Bayes's Law, we have
$P(θ|x) ∝ P(θ) P(x|θ)$
Here $P(θ)$ is the prior. If we consider $P(x|θ)$ as a function on $θ$, then it is called a likelihood.
Since measures are most commonly manipulated using density
and logdensity
, it's awkward to commit a (log-)likelihood to using one or the other. To evaluate a Likelihood
, we therefore use density
or logdensity
, depending on the circumstances. In the latter case, it is of course acting as a log-density.
For example,
julia> ℓ = Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,)}, 2.0)
Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,), T} where T, 2.0)
julia> density(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))
julia> logdensity(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))
If, as above, the measure includes the parameter information, we can optionally leave it out of the second argument in the call to density
or logdensity
julia> density(ℓ, 2.0)
julia> logdensity(ℓ, 2.0)
With several parameters, things work as expected:
julia> ℓ = Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,:σ)}, 2.0)
Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ), T} where T, 2.0)
julia> logdensity(ℓ, (μ=2, σ=3))
julia> logdensity(ℓ, (2,3))
julia> logdensity(ℓ, [2, 3])
Likelihood(M<:ParameterizedMeasure, constraint::NamedTuple, x)
In some cases the measure might have several parameters, and we may want the (log-)likelihood with respect to some subset of them. In this case, we can use the three-argument form, where the second argument is a constraint. For example,
julia> ℓ = Likelihood(Normal{(:μ,:σ)}, (σ=3.0,), 2.0)
Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ), T} where T, (σ = 3.0,), 2.0)
Similarly to the above, we have
julia> density(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))
julia> logdensity(ℓ, (μ=2.0,))
julia> density(ℓ, 2.0)
julia> logdensity(ℓ, 2.0)
Finally, let's return to the expression for Bayes's Law,
$P(θ|x) ∝ P(θ) P(x|θ)$
The product on the right side is computed pointwise. To work with this in MeasureBase, we have a "pointwise product" ⊙
, which takes a measure and a likelihood, and returns a new measure, that is, the unnormalized posterior that has density $P(θ) P(x|θ)$ with respect to the base measure of the prior.
For example, say we have
μ ~ Normal()
x ~ Normal(μ,σ)
σ = 1
and we observe x=3
. We can compute the posterior measure on μ
julia> post = Normal() ⊙ Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ)}, (σ=1,), 3)
Normal() ⊙ Likelihood(Normal{(:μ, :σ), T} where T, (σ = 1,), 3)
julia> logdensity(post, 2)
— Typestruct SuperpositionMeasure{X,NT} <: AbstractMeasure
components :: NT
Superposition of measures is analogous to mixture distributions, but (because measures need not be normalized) requires no scaling. The superposition of two measures μ and ν can be more concisely written as μ + ν. Superposition measures satisfy
basemeasure(μ + ν) == basemeasure(μ) + basemeasure(ν)
\[ \begin{aligned}\frac{\mathrm{d}(\mu+\nu)}{\mathrm{d}(\alpha+\beta)} & =\frac{f\,\mathrm{d}\alpha+g\,\mathrm{d}\beta}{\mathrm{d}\alpha+\mathrm{d}\beta}\\ & =\frac{f\,\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\alpha+\mathrm{d}\beta}+\frac{g\,\mathrm{d}\beta}{\mathrm{d}\alpha+\mathrm{d}\beta}\\ & =\frac{f}{1+\frac{\mathrm{d}\beta}{\mathrm{d}\alpha}}+\frac{g}{\frac{\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\beta}+1}\\ & =\frac{f}{1+\left(\frac{\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\beta}\right)^{-1}}+\frac{g}{\frac{\mathrm{d}\alpha}{\mathrm{d}\beta}+1}\ . \end{aligned}\]
— MethodFor(f, base...)
provides a convenient way to construct a ProductMeasure
. There are several options for the base
. With Julia's do
notation, this can look very similar to a standard for
loop, while maintaining semantics structure that's easier to work with.
For(f, base::Int...)
When one or several Int
values are passed for base
, the result is treated as depending on CartesianIndices(base)
julia> For(3) do λ Exponential(λ) end |> marginals
3-element mappedarray(MeasureBase.var"#17#18"{var"#15#16"}(var"#15#16"()), ::CartesianIndices{1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}) with eltype Exponential{(:λ,), Tuple{Int64}}:
Exponential(λ = 1,)
Exponential(λ = 2,)
Exponential(λ = 3,)
julia> For(4,3) do μ,σ Normal(μ,σ) end |> marginals
4×3 mappedarray(MeasureBase.var"#17#18"{var"#11#12"}(var"#11#12"()), ::CartesianIndices{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}) with eltype Normal{(:μ, :σ), Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
Normal(μ = 1, σ = 1) Normal(μ = 1, σ = 2) Normal(μ = 1, σ = 3)
Normal(μ = 2, σ = 1) Normal(μ = 2, σ = 2) Normal(μ = 2, σ = 3)
Normal(μ = 3, σ = 1) Normal(μ = 3, σ = 2) Normal(μ = 3, σ = 3)
Normal(μ = 4, σ = 1) Normal(μ = 4, σ = 2) Normal(μ = 4, σ = 3)
For(f, base::AbstractArray...)
In this case, base
behaves as if the arrays are zip
ped together before applying the map.
julia> For(randn(3)) do x Exponential(x) end |> marginals
3-element mappedarray(x->Main.Exponential(x), ::Vector{Float64}) with eltype Exponential{(:λ,), Tuple{Float64}}:
Exponential(λ = -0.268256,)
Exponential(λ = 1.53044,)
Exponential(λ = -1.08839,)
julia> For(1:3, 1:3) do μ,σ Normal(μ,σ) end |> marginals
3-element mappedarray((:μ, :σ)->Main.Normal(μ, σ), ::UnitRange{Int64}, ::UnitRange{Int64}) with eltype Normal{(:μ, :σ), Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
Normal(μ = 1, σ = 1)
Normal(μ = 2, σ = 2)
Normal(μ = 3, σ = 3)
For(f, base::Base.Generator)
For Generator
s, the function maps over the values of the generator:
julia> For(eachrow(rand(4,2))) do x Normal(x[1], x[2]) end |> marginals |> collect
4-element Vector{Normal{(:μ, :σ), Tuple{Float64, Float64}}}:
Normal(μ = 0.255024, σ = 0.570142)
Normal(μ = 0.970706, σ = 0.0776745)
Normal(μ = 0.731491, σ = 0.505837)
Normal(μ = 0.563112, σ = 0.98307)
— FunctionFor any k::Kernel
, basekernel
is expected to satisfy
basemeasure(k(p)) == basekernel(k)(p)
The main purpose of basekernel
is to make it efficient to compute
basemeasure(d::ProductMeasure) = productmeasure(basekernel(d.f),
— Functionkernel(f, M)
kernel((f1, f2, ...), M)
A kernel κ = kernel(f, m)
returns a wrapper around a function f
giving the parameters for a measure of type M
, such that κ(x) = M(f(x)...)
respective κ(x) = M(f1(x), f2(x), ...)
If the argument is a named tuple (;a=f1, b=f1)
, κ(x)
is defined as M(;a=f(x),b=g(x))
— Functionlogdensity(μ::AbstractMeasure{X}, x::X)
Compute the logdensity of the measure μ at the point x. This is the standard way to define logdensity
for a new measure. the base measure is implicit here, and is understood to be basemeasure(μ)
Methods for computing density relative to other measures will be
— Methodrootmeasure(μ::AbstractMeasure)
It's sometimes important to be able to find the fix point of a measure under basemeasure
. That is, to start with some measure and apply basemeasure
repeatedly until there's no change. That's what this does.
— Method∫(f, base::AbstractMeasure)
Define a new measure in terms of a density f
over some measure base
— Method∫exp(f, base::AbstractMeasure; log=false)
Define a new measure in terms of a density f
over some measure base
— Method𝒹(μ::AbstractMeasure, base::AbstractMeasure; log=false)
Compute the Radom-Nikodym derivative (or its log, if log=false
) of μ with respect to base
— Macro@domain(name, T)
Defines a new singleton struct T
, and a value name
for building values of that type.
For example, @domain ℝ RealNumbers
is equivalent to
struct RealNumbers <: AbstractDomain end
export ℝ
ℝ = RealNumbers(), ::RealNumbers) = print(io, "ℝ")
— Macro@half dist([paramnames])
Starting from a symmetric univariate measure dist ≪ Lebesgue(ℝ)
, create a new measure Halfdist ≪ Lebesgue(ℝ₊)
. For example,
@half Normal()
creates HalfNormal()
, and
@half StudentT(ν)
creates HalfStudentT(ν)
— Macro@parameterized <declaration>
The <declaration> gives a measure and its default parameters, and specifies its relation to its base measure. For example,
@parameterized Normal(μ,σ)
declares the Normal
is a measure with default parameters μ and σ
. The result is equivalent to
struct Normal{N,T} <: ParameterizedMeasure{N}
par :: NamedTuple{N,T}
KeywordCalls.@kwstruct Normal(μ,σ)
Normal(μ,σ) = Normal((μ=μ, σ=σ))
See KeywordCalls.jl for details on @kwstruct