Gauss and Gauss–Kronrod quadrature rules

The foundational algorithm of the QuadGK package is a Gauss–Kronrod quadrature rule, an extension of Gaussian quadrature. In this chapter of the QuadGK manual, we briefly explain what these are, and describe how you can use QuadGK to generate your own Gauss and Gauss–Kronrod rules, including for more complicated weighted integrals.

Quadrature rules and Gaussian quadrature

A quadrature rule is simply a way to approximate an integral by a sum:

\[\int_a^b f(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)\]

where the $n$ evaluation points $x_i$ are known as the quadrature points and the coefficients $w_i$ are the quadrature weights. We typically want to design quadrature rules that are as accurate as possible for as small an n as possible, for a wide range of functions $f(x)$ (for example, for smooth functions). The underlying assumption is that evaluating the integrand $f(x)$ is computationally expensive, so you want to do this as few times as possible for a given error tolerance.

There are many numerical-integration techniques for designing quadrature rules. For example, one could simply pick the points $x_i$ uniformly at random in $(a,b)$ and use a weight $w_i = 1/n$ to take the average — this is Monte-Carlo integration, which is simple but converges rather slowly (its error scales as $\sim 1/\sqrt{n}$).

A particularly efficient class of quadrature rules is known as Gaussian quadrature, which exploits the remarkable theory of orthogonal polynomials in order to design $n$-point rules that exactly integrate all polynomial functions $f(x)$ up to degree $2n-1$. More importantly, the error goes to zero extremely rapidly even for non-polynomial $f(x)$, as long as $f(x)$ is sufficiently smooth. (They converge exponentially rapidly for analytic functions.) There are many variants of Gaussian quadrature, as we will discuss further below, but the specific case of computing $\int_{-1}^{1} f(x) dx$ is known as Gauss–Legendre quadrature, and $\int_a^b f(x) dx$ over other intervals $(a,b)$ is equivalent to Gauss–Legendre under a simple change of variables (given explicitly below).

The QuadGK package can compute the points $x_i$ and weights $w_i$ of a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule (optionally rescaled to an arbitrary interval $(a,b)$) for you via the gauss function. For example, the $n=5$ point rule for integrating from $a=1$ to $b=3$ is computed by:

julia> a = 1; b = 3; n = 5;

julia> x, w = gauss(n, a, b);

julia> [x w] # show points and weights as a 2-column matrix
5×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.09382  0.236927
 1.46153  0.478629
 2.0      0.568889
 2.53847  0.478629
 2.90618  0.236927

We can see that there are 5 points $a < x_i < b$. They are not equally spaced or equally weighted, nor do they quite reach the endpoints. We can now approximate integrals by evaluating the integrand $f(x)$ at these points, multiplying by the weights, and summing. For example, $f(x)=\cos(x)$ can be integrated via:

julia> sum(w .* cos.(x)) # evaluate ∑ᵢ wᵢ f(xᵢ)

julia> sin(3) - sin(1)   # the exact integral

Even with just $n = 5$ points, Gaussian quadrature can integrate such a smooth function as this to 8–9 significant digits!

The gauss function allows you to compute Gaussian quadrature rules to any desired precision, even supporting arbitrary-precision arithmetic types such as BigFloat. For example, we can compute the same rule as above to about 30 digits:

julia> setprecision(30, base=10);

julia> x, w = gauss(BigFloat, n, a, b); @show x; @show w;
x = BigFloat[1.0938201540613360072023731217019, 1.4615306898943169089636855793001, 2.0, 2.5384693101056830910363144207015, 2.9061798459386639927976268782981]
w = BigFloat[0.23692688505618908751426404072106, 0.47862867049936646804129151483584, 0.56888888888888888888888888888975, 0.47862867049936646804129151483584, 0.23692688505618908751426404072106]

This allows you to compute numerical integrals to very high accuracy if you want. (The quadgk function also supports arbitrary-precision arithmetic types.)

Gauss–Kronrod: Error estimation and embedded rules

A good quadrature rule is often not enough: you also want to have an estimate of the error for a given $f(x)$, in order to decide whether you are happy with your approximate integral or if you want to get a more accurate estimate by increasing $n$.

The most basic way to do this is to evaluate two quadrature rules, one with fewer points $n' < n$, and use their difference as an error estimate. (If the error is rapidly converging with $n$, this is usually a conservative upper bound on the error.)

\[\text{error estimate} = \Big| \underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)}_{\text{first rule}} - \underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^{n'} w_j' f(x_j')}_{\text{second rule}} \Big|\]

Naively, this requires us to evaluate our integrand $f(x)$ an extra $n'$ times to get the error estimate from the second rule. However, we can do better: if the points $\{ x_j' \}$ of the second ($n'$-point) rule are a subset of the points $\{ x_i \}$ of the points from the first ($n$-point) rule, then we only need $n$ function evaluations for the first rule and can re-use them when evaluating the second rule. This is called an embedded (or nested) quadrature rule.

There are many ways of designing embedded quadrature rules. Unfortunately, the nice Gaussian quadrature rules cannot be directly nested: the $n'$-point Gaussian quadrature points are not a subset of the $n$-point Gaussian quadrature points for any $1 < n' < n$. Fortunately, there is a slightly modified scheme that works, called Gauss–Kronrod quadrature: if you start with an $n'$-point Gaussian-quadrature scheme, you can extend it with $n'+1$ additional points to obtain a quadrature scheme with $n=2n'+1$ points that exactly integrates polynomials up to degree $3n'+1$. Although this is slightly worse than an $n$-point Gaussian quadrature scheme, it is still quite accurate, still converges very fast for smooth functions, and gives you a built-in error estimate that requires no additional function evaluations. (In QuadGK, we refer to the size $n'$ of the embedded Gauss rule as the "order", although other authors use that term to refer to the degree of polynomials that are integrated exactly.)

The quadgk function uses Gauss–Kronrod quadrature internally, defaulting to order $n'=7$ (i.e. $n=15$ points), though you can change this with the order parameter. This gives it both an estimated integral and an estimated error. If the error is larger than your requested tolerance, quadgk splits the integration interval into two halves and applies the same Gauss–Kronrod rule to each half, and continues to subdivide the intervals until the desired tolerance is achieved, a process called $h$-adaptive quadrature. (An alternative called $p$-adaptive quadrature would increase the order $n'$ on the same interval. $h$-adaptive quadrature is more robust if your function has localized bad behaviors like sharp peaks or discontinuities, because it will progressively add more points mostly in these "bad" regions.)

You can use the kronrod function to compute a Gauss–Kronrod rule to any desired order (and to any precision). For example, we can extend our 5-point Gaussian-quadrature rule for $\int_1^3$ from the previous section to an 11-point (2n+1) Gauss-Kronrod rule:

julia> x, w, wg = kronrod(n, a, b); [ x w ] # points and weights
11×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.01591  0.042582
 1.09382  0.115233
 1.24583  0.186801
 1.46153  0.24104
 1.72037  0.27285
 2.0      0.282987
 2.27963  0.27285
 2.53847  0.24104
 2.75417  0.186801
 2.90618  0.115233
 2.98409  0.042582

Similar to Gaussian quadrature, notice that all of the Gauss–Kronrod points $a < x_i < b$ lie in the interior $(a,b)$ of our integration interval, and that they are unequally spaced (clustered more near the edges). The third return value, wg, gives the weights of the embedded 5-point Gaussian-quadrature rule, which corresponds to the even-indexed points x[2:2:end] of the 11-point Gauss–Kronrod rule:

julia> [ x[2:2:end] wg ] # embedded Gauss points and weights
5×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.09382  0.236927
 1.46153  0.478629
 2.0      0.568889
 2.53847  0.478629
 2.90618  0.236927

So, we can evaluate our integrand $f(x)$ at the 11 Gauss–Kronrod points, and then re-use 5 of these values to obtain an error estimate. For example, with $f(x) = \cos(x)$, we obtain:

julia> fx = cos.(x); # evaluate f(xᵢ)

julia> integral = sum(w .* fx) # ∑ᵢ wᵢ f(xᵢ)

julia> error = abs(integral - sum(wg .* fx[2:2:end])) # |integral - ∑ⱼ wⱼ′ f(xⱼ′)|

julia> abs(integral - (sin(3) - sin(1))) # true error ≈ machine precision

As noted above, the error estimate tends to actually be quite a conservative upper bound on the error, because it is effectively a measure of the error of the lower-order embedded 5-point Gauss rule rather than that of the higher-order 11-point Gauss–Kronrod rule. For smooth functions like $\cos(x)$, an 11-point rule can have an error orders of magnitude smaller than that of the 5-point rule. (Here, the 11-point rule's accuracy is so good that it is actually limited by floating-point roundoff error; in infinite precision the error would have been ≈ 6e-23.)

You may notice that both the Gauss–Kronrod and the Gaussian quadrature rules are symmetric around the center $(a+b)/2$ of the integration interval. In fact, we provide a lower-level function kronrod(n) that only computes roughly the first half of the points and weights for $\int_{-1}^{1}$ ($b = -a = 1$), corresponding to $x_i \le 0$.

julia> x, w, wg = kronrod(5); [x w] # points xᵢ ≤ 0 and weights
6×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.984085  0.042582
 -0.90618   0.115233
 -0.754167  0.186801
 -0.538469  0.24104
 -0.27963   0.27285
  0.0       0.282987

julia> [x[2:2:end] wg] # embedded Gauss points ≤ 0 and weights
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.90618   0.236927
 -0.538469  0.478629
  0.0       0.568889

Of course, you still have to evaluate $f(x)$ at all $2n+1$ points, but summing the results requires a bit less arithmetic and storing the rule takes less memory. Note also that the $(-1,1)$ rule can be applied to any desired interval $(a,b)$ by a change of variables

\[\int_a^b f(x) dx = \frac{b-a}{2} \int_{-1}^{+1} f\left( (u+1)\frac{b-a}{2} + a \right) du \, ,\]

so the $(-1,1)$ rule can be computed once (for a given order and precision) and re-used. In consequence, kronrod(n) is quadgk uses internally. The higher-level kronrod(n, a, b) function is more convenient for casual use, however.

As with gauss, the kronrod function works with arbitrary precision, such as BigFloat numbers. kronrod(n, a, b) uses the precision of the endpoints (a,b) (converted to floating point), while for kronrod(n) you can explicitly pass a floating-point type T as the first argument, e.g. for 50-digit precision:

julia> setprecision(50, base=10); x, w, wg = kronrod(BigFloat, 5); x
6-element Vector{BigFloat}:

Quadrature rules for weighted integrals

More generally, one can compute quadrature rules for a weighted integral:

\[\int_a^b W(x) f(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)\]

where the effect of weight function $W(x)$ (usually required to be $≥ 0$ in $(a,b)$) is included in the quadrature weights $w_i$ and points $x_i$. The main motivation for weighted quadrature rules is to handle poorly behaved integrands — singular, discontinuous, highly oscillatory, and so on — where the "bad" behavior is known and can be factored out into $W(x)$. By designing a quadrature rule with $W(x)$ taken into account, one can obtain fast convergence as long as the remaining factor $f(x)$ is smooth, regardless of how "bad" $W(x)$ is. Moreover, the rule can be re-used for many different $f(x)$ as long as $W(x)$ remains the same.

The QuadGK package can compute both Gauss and Gauss–Kronrod quadrature rules for arbitrary weight functions $W(x)$, to arbitrary precision, as described in the section: Gaussian quadrature and arbitrary weight functions.