Julia package for the Non-equidistant Fast Fourier Transform


This package provides a Julia implementation of the Non-equidistant Fast Fourier Transform (NFFT). For a detailed introduction into the NFFT and its application please have a look at the software paper on the NFFT.jl. Further resources are and You

The NFFT is a fast implementation of the Non-equidistant Discrete Fourier Transform (NDFT) that is basically a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with non-equidistant sampling nodes in either Fourier or time/space domain. In contrast to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), the NFFT is an approximative algorithm whereas the accuracy can be controlled by two parameters: the window width parameter m and the oversampling factor σ.

The NFFT.jl project serves two different purposes:

  • Provide a package AbstractNFFTs.jl that allows to use any NFFT Julia package such as NFFT3.jl or FINUFFT.jl using the same interface
  • Provide a high-performance, multi-threaded reference implementation in pure Julia. This is realized in the Julia package NFFT.jl.

The term NFFT.jl thus may either mean the entire Github project consisting of several packages or the concrete reference implementation.


Start julia and open the package mode by entering ]. Then enter

add NFFT

This will install the packages NFFT.jl and all its dependencies. Most importantly it installs the abstract interface package AbstractNFFTs.jl, which NFFT.jl implements.

Additional NFFT related tools can be obtained by adding the package NFFTTools.jl. If you need support for CUDA you also need to install the package CuNFFT.jl.

In case you want to use an alternative NFFT implementation such as NFFT3.jl or FINUFFT.jl we provide wrapper types allowing to use them as AbstractNFFTs implementations. They can be used like this:

julia> using AbstractNFFTs
julia> include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(AbstractNFFTs)), "..", "..", "Wrappers", "FINUFFT.jl"))
julia> include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(AbstractNFFTs)), "..", "..", "Wrappers", "NFFT3.jl"))

This requires that you first add the package you want to use.


  • The documentation starts with the Mathematical Background that properly defines the NDFT, the NFFT and its directional variants. You might want to skip this part if you are familiar with the notation and concepts of the NFFT.
  • Then, an Overview about the usage of the NFFT functions is given in a tutorial style manner.
  • Then, an overview about Accuracy and Performance is given.
  • The section about Tools introduced some high-level functions that build upon the NFFT. For instance NFFT inversion is discussed in that section.
  • In the section about the Abstract Interface for NFFTs we outline how the package is divided into an interface package and implementation packages. This part is useful if you plan to use different NFFT implementations, e.g. one for the CPU and another for the GPU and would like to switch.
  • Finally, the documentation contains an API index.

License / Terms of Usage

The source code of this project is licensed under the MIT license. This implies that you are free to use, share, and adapt it. However, please give appropriate credit by citing the project. You can do so by citing the publication

T. Knopp, M. Boberg and M. Grosser, NFFT.jl: Generic and Fast Julia Implementation of the Nonequidistant Fast Fourier Transform, 2022 arXiv:2208.00049

A BibTeX file NFFT.bib can be found in the root folder of the Github repository.


If you have problems using the software, find bugs or have ideas for improvements please use the issue tracker. For general questions please use the discussions section on Github.


A complete list of contributors can be found on the Github page.