In the following, you find the documentation of some, and hopefully soon all, exported functions of the NFFT.jl package family:






Abstract type for either an NFFT plan or an NNFFT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for any NFFT-like plan (NFFT, NFFT, NFCT, NFST).

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NFCT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NFFT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NFST plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NNFFT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for either an NFCT plan or an NFST plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.

accuracyParams(; [m, σ, reltol]) -> m, σ, reltol

Calculate accuracy parameters m, σ, reltol based on either

  • reltol


  • m, σ

TODO: Right now, the oversampling parameter is not taken into account, i.e. σ=2.0 is assumed


nfft(k, f, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the nfft of the array f for the nodes contained in the matrix k The output is a vector of length M=size(nodes,2)


nfft_adjoint(k, N, fHat, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the adjoint nfft of the vector fHat for the nodes contained in the matrix k. The output is an array of size N


nfft(k, f, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the nfft of the array f for the nodes contained in the matrix k The output is a vector of length M=size(nodes,2)


nfft_adjoint(k, N, fHat, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the adjoint nfft of the vector fHat for the nodes contained in the matrix k. The output is an array of size N


nfft(k, f, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the nfft of the array f for the nodes contained in the matrix k The output is a vector of length M=size(nodes,2)


nfft_adjoint(k, N, fHat, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the adjoint nfft of the vector fHat for the nodes contained in the matrix k. The output is an array of size N

nodes!(p, k) -> p

Change nodes k in the plan p operation and return the plan.


Size of the input array for the plan p (NFFT/NFCT/NFST/NNFFT). The returned tuple has R entries. Note that this will be the output size for the transposed / adjoint operator.


Size of the output array for the plan p (NFFT/NFCT/NFST/NNFFT). The returned tuple has R entries. Note that this will be the input size for the transposed / adjoint operator.

    *(p, f) -> fHat

For a non-directional D dimensional plan p this calculates the NFFT/NNFFT of a D dimensional array f of size N. fHat is a vector of length M. (M and N are defined in the plan creation)

For a directional D dimensional plan p both f and fHat are D dimensional arrays, and the dimension specified in the plan creation is affected.

    *(p, f) -> fHat

For a non-directional D dimensional plan p this calculates the NFCT/NFST of a D dimensional array f of size N. fHat is a vector of length M. (M and N are defined in the plan creation)

For a directional D dimensional plan p both f and fHat are D dimensional arrays, and the dimension specified in the plan creation is affected.

mul!(fHat, p, f) -> fHat

Inplace NFFT/NFCT/NFST/NNFFT transforming the D dimensional array f to the R dimensional array fHat. The transformation is applied along D-R+1 dimensions specified in the plan p.

mul!(f, p, fHat) -> f

Inplace adjoint NFFT/NNFFT transforming the R dimensional array fHat to the D dimensional array f. The transformation is applied along D-R+1 dimensions specified in the plan p.

mul!(f, p, fHat) -> f

Inplace transposed NFCT/NFST transforming the R dimensional array fHat to the D dimensional array f. The transformation is applied along D-R+1 dimensions specified in the plan p.

    plan_nfft(k::Matrix{T}, N::NTuple{D,Int}, rest...;  kargs...)

compute a plan for the NFFT of a size-N array at the nodes contained in k.


Precompute the look up table for the window function φ.


  • Only the positive half is computed
  • The window is computed for the interval [0, (m)/Ñ]. The reason for the +2 is that we do evaluate the window function outside its interval, since x does not necessary match the sampling points
  • The window has K+1 entries and during the index calculation we multiply with the factor K/(m).
  • It is very important that K/(m) is an integer since our index calculation exploits this fact. We therefore always use Int(K/(m))instead of K÷(m) since this gives an error while the later variant would silently error.
calculateToeplitzKernel!(f::Array{Complex{T}}, p::AbstractNFFTPlan, tr::Matrix{T}, fftplan)

Calculate the kernel for an implementation of the Gram matrix that utilizes its Toeplitz structure and writes it in-place in f, which has to be twice the size of the desired image matrix, as the Toeplitz trick requires an oversampling factor of 2 (cf. Wajer, F. T. A. W., and K. P. Pruessmann. "Major speedup of reconstruction for sensitivity encoding with arbitrary trajectories." Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Res. Med. 2001.). The type of the kernel f has to be Complex{T}, i.e. the complex of the k-space trajectory's type; for speed and memory efficiecy, call this function with Float32.(tr), and set the type of f accordingly.

Required Arguments

  • f::Array{T}: Array in which the kernel will be written.
  • p::AbstractNFFTPlan: NFFTPlan with the same dimensions as tr, which will be overwritten in place.
  • tr::Matrix{T}: non-Cartesian k-space trajectory in units revolutions/voxel, i.e. tr[i] ∈ [-0.5, 0.5] ∀ i. The matrix has the size 2 x Nsamples for 2D imaging with a trajectory length Nsamples, and 3 x Nsamples for 3D imaging.
  • fftplan: plan for the final FFT of the kernel from image to k-space. Therefore, it has to have twice the size of the original image. Calculate, e.g., with fftplan = plan_fft(zeros(Complex{T}, 2 .* shape); flags=FFTW.MEASURE), where shape is the size of the reconstructed image.


julia> using FFTW

julia> Nx = 32;

julia> trj = Float32.(rand(2, 1000) .- 0.5);

julia> p = plan_nfft(trj, (2Nx,2Nx))
NFFTPlan with 1000 sampling points for an input array of size(64, 64) and an output array of size(1000,) with dims 1:2

julia> fftplan = plan_fft(zeros(ComplexF32, (2Nx,2Nx)); flags=FFTW.MEASURE);

julia> λ = Array{ComplexF32}(undef, 2Nx, 2Nx);

julia> calculateToeplitzKernel!(λ, p, trj, fftplan);

julia> y = randn(ComplexF32, Nx, Nx);

julia> convolveToeplitzKernel!(y, λ);
calculateToeplitzKernel(shape, tr::Matrix{T}[; m = 4, σ = 2.0, window = :kaiser_bessel, fftplan = plan_fft(zeros(Complex{T}, 2 .* shape); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE), kwargs...])

Calculate the kernel for an implementation of the Gram matrix that utilizes its Toeplitz structure. The output is an array of twice the size of shape, as the Toeplitz trick requires an oversampling factor of 2 (cf. Wajer, F. T. A. W., and K. P. Pruessmann. "Major speedup of reconstruction for sensitivity encoding with arbitrary trajectories." Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Res. Med. 2001.). The type of the kernel is Complex{T}, i.e. the complex of the k-space trajectory's type; for speed and memory efficiency, call this function with Float32.(tr), and the kernel will also be Float32.

Required Arguments

  • shape::NTuple(Int): size of the image; e.g. (256, 256) for 2D imaging, or (256,256,128) for 3D imaging
  • tr::Matrix{T}: non-Cartesian k-space trajectory in units revolutions/voxel, i.e. tr[i] ∈ [-0.5, 0.5] ∀ i. The matrix has the size 2 x Nsamples for 2D imaging with a trajectory length Nsamples, and 3 x Nsamples for 3D imaging.

Optional Arguments:

  • m::Int: nfft kernel size (used to calculate the Toeplitz kernel); default = 4
  • σ::Number: nfft oversampling factor during the calculation of the Toeplitz kernel; default = 2

Keyword Arguments:

  • fftplan: plan for the final FFT of the kernel from image to k-space. Therefore, it has to have twice the size of the original image. default = plan_fft(zeros(Complex{T}, 2 .* shape); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE). If this constructor is used many times, it is worth to precompute the plan with plan_fft(zeros(Complex{T}, 2 .* shape); flags=FFTW.MEASURE) and reuse it.
  • kwargs: Passed on to plan_fft! via NFFTPlan; can be used to modify the flags flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf.


julia> Nx = 32;

julia> trj = Float32.(rand(2, 1000) .- 0.5);

julia> λ = calculateToeplitzKernel((Nx, Nx), trj)
64×64 Matrix{ComplexF32}:
 -432.209+297.833im    271.68-526.348im  …   3044.35+34.6322im
  990.057-244.569im  -582.825+473.084im      45.7631-87.8965im
  1922.01+223.525im   9248.63-452.04im       3649.78+108.941im
 -402.371-3.37619im   496.815+231.891im      322.646-329.089im
 -482.346-121.534im   559.756-106.981im      155.183+454.0im
   3293.8+194.388im  -3361.43+34.1272im  …   2672.16-526.853im
 -936.331+172.246im   4394.11-400.762im     -1121.04+160.219im
 -135.828+169.448im   3509.17+59.0678im      3883.84-501.913im
  395.143+158.638im   24.4377-387.153im       5731.3+173.827im
  925.902-117.765im    2935.3+346.28im      -1414.12-214.701im
         ⋮                               ⋱
  2239.72-295.883im   490.442+524.399im  …   2028.84-36.5824im
 -1108.11+227.146im   24.7403-455.661im     -549.699+105.319im
  1323.78+110.713im  -321.052+117.802im      651.944-443.178im
 -52.1597+288.0im    -326.042-516.516im       3619.1+44.4651im
  1180.56+73.3666im  -26.1233+155.148im     -869.065-405.832im
  3555.36+649.527im  -198.245-878.042im  …   1198.83-317.062im
 -368.958-177.954im  -360.343+406.469im     -1478.96-154.512im
  4861.29+38.9623im   6082.55-267.478im      2519.09+293.503im
  1022.55-185.869im   177.426+414.384im      3650.56-146.597im

julia> y = randn(ComplexF32, Nx, Nx);

julia> convolveToeplitzKernel!(y, λ)
32×32 Matrix{ComplexF32}:
  177.717-52.0493im   10.6059+20.7185im  …   746.131+330.005im
 -311.858+988.219im  -1216.83-1295.14im      410.732+751.925im
 -1082.27+872.968im   1023.97-1556.45im     -923.699+478.63im
 -999.035-525.161im  -1694.59-658.558im     -521.044+607.005im
 -342.999+1481.82im  -1729.18-2712.81im      56.5212+1394.81im
 -1187.65-1979.55im   1389.67+970.033im  …   2968.93-744.264im
 -666.533+485.511im  -1315.83+409.855im     -610.146+132.258im
  1159.57+64.6059im  -299.169-569.622im      663.802+396.827im
 -795.112-1464.63im   -462.43+2442.77im     -1622.72+1701.27im
 -1047.67+31.5578im  -1127.65-936.043im      474.071+797.911im
         ⋮                               ⋱
  327.345+2191.71im  -904.635+558.786im     -1449.32-276.721im
  -1047.2-71.362im    363.109+567.346im      -1974.0-2348.36im
 -1540.45+1661.77im   1175.75+1279.75im  …   1110.61+653.234im
 -526.832-435.297im  -265.021-2019.08im      68.5607-323.086im
 -1076.52-2719.16im  -477.005+2232.06im      -155.59-1275.66im
  1143.76-735.966im  -380.489+2485.78im      1812.17-261.191im
  1685.44-1243.29im   1911.16-1157.72im     -991.639-42.8214im
  1054.11-1282.41im   66.9358-588.991im  …  -952.238+1026.35im
 -417.276-273.367im  -946.698+1971.77im     -890.339-882.05im
convolveToeplitzKernel!(y::Array{T,N}, λ::Array{T,N}[, fftplan = plan_fft(λ; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE), ifftplan = plan_ifft(λ; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE), xOS1 = similar(λ), xOS2 = similar(λ)])

Convolves the image y with the Toeplitz kernel λ and overwrites y with the result. y is also returned for convenience. As this function is commonly applied many times, it is highly recommended to pre-allocate / pre-compute all optional arguments. By doing so, this entire function is non-allocating.

Required Arguments

  • y::Array{T,N}: Input image that will be overwritten with the result. y is a matrix (N=2) for 2D imaging and a 3D tensor (N=3) for 3D imaging. The type of the elements T must match the ones of λ.
  • λ::Array{T,N}: Toeplitz kernel, which as to be the same type as k, but twice the size due to the required oversampling (cf. calculateToeplitzKernel).

Optional, but highly recommended Arguments

  • fftplan: plan for the oversampled FFT, i.e. it has to have twice the size of the original image. Calculate, e.g., with fftplan = plan_fft(λ; flags=FFTW.MEASURE), where shape is the size of the reconstructed image.
  • ifftplan: plan for the oversampled inverse FFT. Calculate, e.g., with ifftplan = plan_ifft(λ; flags=FFTW.MEASURE), where shape is the size of the reconstructed image.
  • xOS1: pre-allocated array of the size of λ. Pre-allocate with xOS1 = similar(λ).
  • xOS2: pre-allocated array of the size of λ. Pre-allocate with xOS2 = similar(λ).


julia> using FFTW

julia> Nx = 32;

julia> trj = Float32.(rand(2, 1000) .- 0.5);

julia> λ = calculateToeplitzKernel((Nx, Nx), trj);

julia> xOS1 = similar(λ);

julia> xOS2 = similar(λ);

julia> fftplan = plan_fft(xOS1; flags=FFTW.MEASURE);

julia> ifftplan = plan_ifft(xOS1; flags=FFTW.MEASURE);

julia> y = randn(ComplexF32, Nx, Nx);

julia> convolveToeplitzKernel!(y, λ, fftplan, ifftplan, xOS1, xOS2)
32×32 Matrix{ComplexF32}:
  177.717-52.0493im   10.6059+20.7185im  …   746.131+330.005im
 -311.858+988.219im  -1216.83-1295.14im      410.732+751.925im
 -1082.27+872.968im   1023.97-1556.45im     -923.699+478.63im
 -999.035-525.161im  -1694.59-658.558im     -521.044+607.005im
 -342.999+1481.82im  -1729.18-2712.81im      56.5212+1394.81im
 -1187.65-1979.55im   1389.67+970.033im  …   2968.93-744.264im
 -666.533+485.511im  -1315.83+409.855im     -610.146+132.258im
  1159.57+64.6059im  -299.169-569.622im      663.802+396.827im
 -795.112-1464.63im   -462.43+2442.77im     -1622.72+1701.27im
 -1047.67+31.5578im  -1127.65-936.043im      474.071+797.911im
         ⋮                               ⋱
  327.345+2191.71im  -904.635+558.786im     -1449.32-276.721im
  -1047.2-71.362im    363.109+567.346im      -1974.0-2348.36im
 -1540.45+1661.77im   1175.75+1279.75im  …   1110.61+653.234im
 -526.832-435.297im  -265.021-2019.08im      68.5607-323.086im
 -1076.52-2719.16im  -477.005+2232.06im      -155.59-1275.66im
  1143.76-735.966im  -380.489+2485.78im      1812.17-261.191im
  1685.44-1243.29im   1911.16-1157.72im     -991.639-42.8214im
  1054.11-1282.41im   66.9358-588.991im  …  -952.238+1026.35im
 -417.276-273.367im  -946.698+1971.77im     -890.339-882.05im